<aside> 💡 The best practice is to always create one API credential per iLOQ locking system. Then restrict access to iLOQ locks and keys with zones


ILOQ Manager configuration

API Access

iLOQ Manager allows API access to be enabled at the system, locks, and access rights levels. Make sure that API access is enabled for the system, all access rights, and locks that need to be handled via integration. For instructions on how to enable API access, refer to this guide.

Returning handover over keys

In order for Key automat to be able to disassosiate keys from person when key has been handed over. Certain settings has to be turned on.

manager config.png

Service code and service address

The service code and service address are your iLOQ manager environment identifiers. Click below to see how to find them.

Finding the service code and service address

iLOQ API user

In order for LivionKey to communicate with iLOQ, an API user is needed. Click below to see how to create a user:

Creating an iLOQ API user

Next Chapter:

Configure the iLOQ credentials for the organization